Monday, 8 December 2014

YANGON, Myanmar

From now on the way to travel changed. I am taking public transport, I pay for accommodation and I plan ahead. It must be a great experience to keep traveling as I did before but it’s always more difficult within a group of people. But as we all got along very well I am good with that way of traveling.



After Istanbul where I booked myself a flight I began the journey to Bangkok.
Somehow I caught something bad and had very heavy stomach problems and cramps. I also had extreme sweaty nights and sometimes I lost my balance while walking. That was the reason why I had to see a doctor in the Airport of Dubai where I had my stopover. It was an interesting experience walking behind all does walls where you are not allowed by yourself, the motivation of the people (the don’t have any) and ride with one of does funny vehicles which are running up and down the airport from time to time.